The Vacation Home ans STR Experts of the Poconos
No Gimmicks!
No Hidden Costs!
No Deposits on Construction
More 5-STARS on Google than any other builder in the area
The Chalet Experts
of the Poconos
The Pocono's Most Popular Builder
Building the Pocono's Most Popular Homes
We brought
Mountain Modern
to the Poconos
FInd out how your new Pocono homes can pay for itself!
A-Frames with indoor swimming pools!
Build a wildly successful STR
Our Executive Level A-frame 7 with an indoor pool and billiard room
Vacation-to-Retire Homes are one of our specialties for those planning ahead
Stunning Chalets from 1300 to 4500 square feet
Call Today for Free, No-Pressure Phone Consultation.
We're the Highest Rated Builder in the Poconos Because Because We Keep Home Building Simple and Straightforward!
No Gimmicks ~ No Hidden Costs
No "Cash Back" gimmicks
No "Free" Upgrade" schemes
No "Up-selling" of extras and add-ons
And No Deposits on Construction.
Our process and pricing is simple and straightforward
We Make It Easy!
Now you can learn everything you need to know about having a new Pocono home built; all with a simple phone call. Click here to schedule a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION ... and we'll do the rest.
Every new home we build now includes high efficiency, variable speed, and low ambient zoned heating and cooling. Our homes cost less to heat and cool, which keeps money in your pocket!
Here's Why it's Time to Get Started Now.
Time is not your friend, and waiting is not a strategy. If you're waiting for interest rates to come down before considering investing in a new Pocono home, consider this;
In 1971, the interest rate for mortgages was just over 7%. If you waited for interest rates to go down before purchasing a home, you wouldn't have bought a home until 1993. That means you would have been renting for 22 years! In that same time, the value of real estate quadrupled! It just proves the point that time is not your friend when it comes to real estate investing, and waiting is not a strategy.
Things to Keep in Mind:
When you're ready to go, we're here to help. Contact us anytime.
Check Out Our New Aspen Chalet. Available in 3 to 6 bedrooms, with/without a garage. All the same square footage - all the same price.
An Outstanding Vacation Home or Vacation Rental
Want to learn more? Give us call, peruse the website,
request a free catalog and schedule an appointment to see a model home and we'll explain everything you need to know to have an amazing, new home built in the Poconos.
All showings are by appointment and remember, unlike most builders, you are never asked to sign or buy anything.
Just want to get answers to your questions before scheduling a tour? No problem; simply e-mail or call us at 570-325-9900.
Our New Executive A-frame
The A-Frame 7, or as we call it, the "Lucky 7"
A Vacation Home and STR Investor's Dream
A+ and Accredited
Copyright 2024, Great Pocono Homes, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved
PA License # PA40039
GPH 26-0761330, GPE 26-1222536 , GPRE,27-512985 GPD 92-1756263, PFIG 88-0584314, AMAC 87-4226374, BHC HN 99-0693000 534 Ent 92-2384426 LRIG 99-2060205 GPH&C 99-3896398 14Moj 99-5029915 BDWLK 33-1746670. PIN 33-3707899